Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is Msgr. Lynn guilty or not guilty?

Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment
Image via Wikipedia
I do not know if Monsignor Lynn is guilty of endangering the lives of children or not.  Having been a nurse for 30 years, I questioned Judge Theresa Sarmina's judgement when she ordered Cardinal Bevilaqua, terminally ill and with dementia to be questioned by lawyer's at his place of residency.  When people are that physically ill, they don't have the energy to think clearly and may well be making mistakes in what they are saying.  In additon to that, the Cardinal had dementia.  In another words, he couldn't remember.  My experience with people who don't remember is that they start to fabricate things, trying to convince themselves that they really do remember.  I told myself, however, that the judge has access to materials that I do not have.  Maybe, the Cardinal could really testify accurately.  But when I read the Inquirer quoting the judge as saying that anyone who doesn't think sexual abuse is widespread throughout the Catholic Church must live on another planet.  How could she make such a prejudicial statement!!!?????  I must be one of those she is referring to that live on another planet.  I have lived and worked around priests all my life, and not one of them that I have known has ever been accused of sexual abuse of a child.  The ones I know are hard-working self-sacrificing men, and I know and have known many of them throughout the years.  Some are better than others and none of them have sexually abused anyone.  Any judge who has publicly let her prejudices be known should recuse herself from the case.  Is Msgr. Lynn guilty or not guilty?  I have no idea.  What I do know is that as long as Judge Theresa Sarmina stays on the case, he will not get a fair trial.
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