This was my niece, Donna, being surprised at her party. Her mother, Dot, is behind her.
Now that she has gotten over the shock, she is all smiles. Congratulations, Donna. You are a great niece and godchild. I love you bunches. Blessings on you.
This is a picture of one of my Christmas presents. It is Susan Boyle's I Dreamed a Dream. What a beautiful voice. I just love this album.
Great to see you here! I saw your note on Facebook that you have a personal blog. One way to get photos is to check out a site called Zemanta. I found out about it through the blogger notes on blogspot. John downloaded it for me at work but I did it myself at home. It picks up on what you are writing about and gives suggested photos to match your post. They are id'd as to source so there isn't a copyright issue.