That was history of days gone by. Now, I would like to write about history in the making. St. Clare's feast day is August 11. St. Clare was the first female Franciscan. She was an attentive listener and follower of St. Francis. She felt a call by God to join the Franciscan followers of St. Francis, although, all of them were men at that time. She took the leap in faith and joined them. Although, she could not live with them, she herself soon had followers. The friars gave them San Damiano Convent where the Poor Clares still live.
Sarah, another prospective candidate to our congregation,
posing with Sister Marie O'Connor |

>>Simone, a prospective candidate toour congregation | <><>
Traditionally, in our congregation, we have made our vows on the feast of St. Clare. This Saturday, August 7, as many of our Sisters who could, gathered together at our motherhouse to witness the temporary vows of Sister Rosemary Eve Holter, to participate in a program led by the Marist brother Michael Laratonda, and to share and catch up with one another.
Sister Rosemary Holter renewed her vows for one year |
Sister Patty Kerezi (center) made her final vows on August 8
This is a representation of the Blessed Trinity. The light in the center is a
representation of each one of us. Brother Michael Laratonda, a Marist brother,
offered us many poems and images for our reflection on gathering day.
It was a wonderful time to celebrate the professions of Sister Rosemary Holter
and Sister Patty Kerezi, and to share, and reunite with old friends. |
I was "tagged" this weekend and asked to share some of my favorite prayers. Now I'm tagging you! Please visit my blog to see the directions.