Saturday, November 27, 2010


Recently, I introduced you to Simona, who recently entered into discernment about becoming a Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia.  Now, I would like to introduce Sara.  Sara works at Neumann University as a campus minister.  She has her own blog.  I lifted this quote off her blog to give you an idea of who she is.
Living in a convent is much like living in a family . . . you have your responsibilities within the household: your nights to cook dinner, your chores, your days to lead prayers, etc. But along with those responsibilities also comes the fun things that keep you connected as a unit!
So please, take that decrepid image of "NUN" out of your head and replace it with the reality of living a life devoted to following God's will! I'll tell you, from what I have experienced from a number of the older sisters in the community, it's well worth it!
 So, religious sisters sitting alone all day praying is BUSTED by Faith-Busters! In place I wish to leave you all with this image, the image of the family. Living in a convent is much like living in a family . . . you have your responsibilities within the household: your nights to cook dinner, your chores, your days to lead prayers, etc. But along with those responsibilities also comes the fun things that keep you connected as a unit!
I would really encourage you to go to her blog at to really get to know her well.  Her blog is very interesting and gives insight into one young person's adaptation to religious life in the 21st century.

1 comment:

  1. Sr. Theresa, I just found your blog, and what a day to find it! I was a bit shocked to see your most recent post was about me! You all have made me feel so welcomed, I'm glad you are enjoying my thoughts! Sometimes they are out there, but they are always real! I'll have to keep up with your blog as well!!! I hope you are having a wonderful day--despite Mother Nature's temper tantrum!!! Take care!


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