After supper the tour began. Sister Rose Immaculate, a prize-winning photographer showed them the collection of her pictures that line the second hall corridor. They were enthralled by the beauty of the collection. Then, she gave them each a book.
From there, we went to the fifth floor, where you can see three different States. One view shows the Philadelphia skyline; another, the bridges going into New Jersey and the western shore of New Jersey, and the third view allows you to see the edge of Wilmington, Delaware.
From there, I showed them the first floor. The life-size statue of St. Francis greets visitors at the entrance. Then, the history of our congregation is depicted along the walls in script and pictures. From there, we went into the heritage room, where there were memorabilia of our Sisters in the early days of our community, along with somethings of St. John Neumann who was instrumental in founding our community.
Then, I took them into our Spiritual Center. One of the volunteers, Chris, had helped with a retreat there some time ago. It brought back memories. From there, Chris wanted to see the main chapel. The volunteers were enthralled with the chapel. Chris imagined he was talking to the Sisters at the pulpit.
The spirit of those young volunteers were with me this morning as I walked in the hallway down to chapel for early morning Mass. I could see each one in my mind's eye as I walked to chapel. I know the priest was talking to us, but I could see Chris there giving us a reflection. Their spirits now live in our hallowed halls.
This is great, Theresa! It would make a wonderful article for the next Community News--what do you think? Did you by any chance get any photos?