Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day of Prayer

Image by mangee via Flickr
Today is a day of prayer and reflection.  It is a chance to get away from it all, and to focus on God and my life with God.  It is a day of great peace.  I need these days.  It is a day to put things in perspective.- to realize the life on this earth with all its little and big problems is temporary.  As St. Therese of the Little Flower said, "All things are passing"
GDOP - Global Day of Prayer - Upper Hutt City - 63
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Psalm 131

This was one of the psalms we prayed in the office this a.m.  This is a slight paraphrase but it goes something like this:  It is enough that my soul is still and quiet like a child on its mother's lap."  What a beautiful image!  I think this is what happens not only to me but many who sit in the silence and listen to God.  It gives one the sense of security that a child in its mother's lap has.  Such a prayer gives one the security that life's problems do not matter as long as one can rest in the heart of God.
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