Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas stories

I went to a spiritual workshop about reminiscing personal Christmas stories. Then, we connected our own stories with a reflection of the Incarnation, God among us.

A Christmas story I remember is gathering around my mother who played the piano.  My mother was an excellent pianist and singer.  Of all her six children, not too many of us had her talent for music.  We gathered around her on Christmas day, as she played the piano and we would sing Christmas carols (all off key, of course.)  What was so nice about that was we were together sharing the joy of Christmas in the intimacy of our home.  We felt vey close to one another with all our idiosyncrasies, with our lack of musical talent, (and good points, too.)

This reflected Incarnation because it reflected the intimacy of the Holy Family rejoicing at the birth of the God-Child in the intimacy of their family. Just the way we were off-key, the world seemed to be off-key in those days in not recognizing the magnificent event that was taking place in their time and place. I wonder where God is incarnate with us today in our own off-key world.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cover Girl

This month I appeared on the cover of The Good News.  The Good News has won a number of awards.  It is the magazine put out by the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia.

The story was about part of my ministry.  I do both mental health and chemical dependency counseling.  That part of my ministry I cannot talk about it, because it is totally confidential.  However, the parenting classes are not confidential.  The article focuses on the parenting classes.  These are not ordinary parenting classes; they are for parents who have difficult children to raise.  These classes have helped many parents.  Our team are the only ones of them that do them in Spanish.  We also do them in English.
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