Saturday, October 29, 2011

Human Trafficking

Today, I was supposed to go to Lancaster with a friend.  When we go, we like to spend time outdoors.  Unfortunately, today was the first day of the autumn to experience snow, as well as lots of rain.  So, we cancelled.  I took this opportunity to go to a workshop on Human Trafficking.  It was hard to listen to.  However, as I listened, I realized as difficult as it was, it was important to educate the world about this horror.  As long as it is kept in the dark, unscrupulous men and women can continue to make their billions off the disadvantaged in this world.

I was so inspired by a group of young high school girls from Benedictine Academy in Elizabeth, N.J.  The Benedictine Academy is a small girls' high school comprised of mostly poor young ladies.  They have single handedly taken on the human trafficking problem.

One of the many things I learned from these young ladies is that every 10 minutes, a woman or child is trafficked in the United States for forced labor.  They have more on their website  under campus ministry/human trafficking.

Please write to your congresspersons for stricter laws.  The Senate bill (S596) includes a number of provisions that strengthen global and domestic anti-trafficking programs and services.  The House bill (HR 2830) also includes important anti-trafficking measures.
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